Profile Abeer Eshmawi

My name is Abeer Eshmawi. My mother tongue is Arabic. I am a language teacher and interpreter with several years of experience in this field. Since September 2023 I have been offering language courses, coaching and tutoring in my rooms in the city of Düsseldorf under BZ-Bildungsweg-Zentrum UG.

What urges me

I am convinced that language can build a bridge between cultures and people. As a teacher and coach, I use my professional knowledge, teaching skills and pedagogical experience to help my participants and students not only learn a new language, but also integrate professionally in Germany. I accompany them in their search for training positions, support them in dealing with the authorities and offer job application coaching to help them achieve their professional career goals.

For me, language & vocational coaching encompasses studies, vocational training and the German job market. This begins with support in finding a suitable training position, enrolment at university and help with integration into the German job market. I also help with contacts to the authorities, with applying for BAföG from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and with contact to the immigration office and employment agency.

I offer you career coaching for your job search. This includes preparing your CV, preparing for the interview, training your communication skills and supporting you in your professional orientation.

Languages and teaching are my passion

That's why I've made both my profession. I prepare my participants for various exam formats from B1 to C2 (Telc, Goethe) and accompany them so that they reach their goal quickly and confidently. I also show them the way to professional success in Germany by teaching them individually and intensively and answering all their questions clearly.

In my trusting learning environment at the BZ in Düsseldorf, I look forward to getting to know you and achieving your goals together.

Since 2018 I have been working in the field of intercultural communication and integration as a freelance lecturer and language & professional coach as well as course instructor for various educational institutions and schools nationwide such as Meerbusch, Düsseldorf, Wesel, Bremen, Pfarrkirchen and others.

I look forward to hearing from you if you have any questions.



Further education

Learn together, grow together!

Contact us for further information or enquiries about our educational programmes and language courses.

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